Author name: David Hoffman

Giving Tuesday 2021!

Serving people who do great work in the world has been the cornerstone of our mission at CitizenRacecar right from the beginning, and every year for Giving Tuesday we like to take the opportunity to highlight the amazing nonprofits we’ve have had the pleasure of working with in the past year. Here are (in alphabetical order) seven amazing organization that need and deserve your support! ALS Association Every day, 15 more people in the US are diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, which causes devastating deterioration of the motor neurons in the brain and spine. The ALS Association has worked for

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Halloween 2021 – Three Spooky Podcasts!

Run for your lives! It’s PODCASTS! With spooky season firmly upon us and ghosts and goblins roaming the land in search of audio content, we thought we’d share a spine-tingling trio of recent podcasts to put you in the proper mood! First up – the gang at “Fish of the Week!” (our collaboration with the US Fish and Wildlife Service) are getting into the spirit with the chilling real-life tale of zombie salmon! You’d think alive vs. dead would be a binary system when it comes to fish, but the truth is more complex (and much more interesting). Learn all about it at and wherever you

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On-Set Safety: A Note from Our Founder

News of the tragedy on the set of “Rust” is rocking the film production community this morning, and I’m completely heartbroken for everyone involved. To die, or to inadvertently cause someone’s death, in the normal course of doing your work is just unthinkably horrible. It’s really, really important that all of us who have anything to do with film—from the largest Hollywood studios to other companies who do small- and micro-budget promotional shoots like we do at CitizenRacecar—use this as an opportunity to recommit ourselves to on-set safety, on every shoot and on every level. No one should be forced to

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