RacecarQuarterly: Winter 2016

RacecarQuarterlyWinter 2016/2017


RacecarQuarterlyWinter 2016/17A periodic update from your friends at CitizenRacecarwww.citizenracecar.com

Welcome to Interesting Times!

It's been said that you can curse a person by wishing them to "live in interesting times." And golly, however you might feel about what's happening in Washington right now, it sure is interesting.I'll tell you one thing that all this uncertainty has made us even more certain of: we're truly blessed to work with such an amazing group of clients. Supporting scientific research, helping the world's most vulnerable citizens, finding the best ways to educate our children, and leading the charge for a cleaner, more sustainable environment – you, clients, are our heroes. We stand in awe of the amazing things you do every day, and couldn't be prouder of our small part in helping you do what you do.So what's next? What's your next amazing program? We want to hear about it, and we want to help make sure everyone else hears about it, too. Drop us a line, any time.

Now, here's some of what we've been up to lately:
"Elevating Your Pitch" November, 2016
There's no messaging more fundamental than your elevator pitch. When someone you've just met says "so, what do you do?" how do you respond? What is your staff saying when someone asks them? How about your board?Our communications experts can work with your team to craft top-level messaging that describes your programs clearly and engagingly, and strategies for delivering these messages effectively to anyone. Email or call now to set up a no-obligation consultation.hello@citizenracecar.com718-440-9434
New Jersey's Hidden Coast - Longform
The 30-minute long-form version of New Jersey's Hidden Coast, the documentary we made for Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey, premiered to great acclaim at the Restore America's Estuaries Summit in New Orleans, December 10th through 15th. More public screenings to come!
        We have some great new web documentaries finished and delivered for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Both are slated for release this coming Spring. Follow CR on Facebook and Twitter for updates
Gosh! The CitizenRacecar website sure is looking nice! Special shout-out to our own Courtney Moore and Peter Liu for doing such a great job giving it a once-over!
PODCASTS:We're entering our 5th year of producing podcasts for The New York Academy of Sciences! Here are a few recent highlights:On January 29th, the Academy turned 200! Learn about this long and fascinating history here.The three-epsiode mini series "The Face of Science" explored all misconceptions the general pubic has about science and scientists, the difficulties scientists face in expressing themselves to the general public, and how the solution to both of those problems is better science education, at every level. Listen here. There may be no more complex and heartbreaking problem in all of medicine than tackling pediatric cancer. Learn about how new understanding of what the disease is and is not is pushing groundbreaking work in the field by listening here. 
As we do more and more video work that deals with ecology and the natural world, an invaluable addition to the CitizenRacecar crew has been Ray Hennesey, a wildlife videographer of rare skill and patience. Check out some of the animals he's captured with his lens here.

RacecarQuarterly - Spring 2017


Elevating Your Pitch: Making the Case for Your Cause, Quickly