RacecarQuarterly: Spring/Summer 2016

Spring / Summer 2016


As Spring turns in to summer, we’re as busy as ever here at RacecarHQ:
videos, podcasts, branding, educational events, and more.

How can we help you tell the story of your organization? Drop us a line any time!

Coming to AFP Fundraising Day on Friday? We’ll be there too! Pay us a visit at Booth #308 in the Solutions Center.
We’re proud to have created the name and brand identity for Panoramic, a consultancy that helps growing businesses create solid and sustainable operations. Learn more and contact them here.
"Elevating Your Pitch" - 3/9/16 - Opening
Our intrepid Creative Director David Hoffman has been busy all spring giving talks and workshops, including presentations at the Foundation Center‘s New York GrantSpace, and for the Ben Applebaum Foundation’s inaugural Nonprofit Masterclass.

Above is his introduction from the workshop “Elevating Your Pitch: Making the Case for Your Cause, Quickly”.

Up Next:
We’re spending the summer creating a video about the work the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is doing in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Updates soon!
New Jersey's Hidden Coast - Episode 1
Did you know that there’s more than one Jersey shore? The New Jersey coast of Delaware Bay trades in muscle shirts and funnel cake for some of the most gorgeous and distinctive wildlife in North America.

“New Jersey’s Hidden Coast”, our new documentary video series for Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey explores this little-known treasure and the animals, plants, and people who make it so special.

Episode 1 and Episode 2 are live now, with four more coming between now and the end of the summer.

As always, we’re producing new podcasts for the New York Academy of Sciences.

Check out recent pieces about the nutritional power of beans, the limits of human knowledge, and the ethics of pre-approval access to new medicines.

Social Enterprise Law Series: So You Want to Have an Impact?
Who knew there were so many ways to start a company? We enjoyed spending the evening filming (and learning) at the midtown offices of Morrison & Foerster, LLP.