Author name: Candice Chantalou

CoHost’s Industry Report

We’re excited to share that CitizenRacecar had the opportunity to contribute to CoHost‘s latest industry report, The State of Podcast Agencies. A big thank you and congratulations to our friends at CoHost who conducted the survey to better understand the podcast agency landscape. We’re proud to have shared our insights and experiences to help shed light on this dynamic industry!

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Nonprofit Technology Conference 2023

The excellent Nonprofit Technology Conference from NTEN returned in-person to Denver last week and our own David Hoffman was proud to make the scene, hosting the workshop Podcasting Panorama, all about the many ways nonprofit organizations can make use of audio storytelling to build their brand and forward their mission. He also co-hosted a raucous happy hour with our friends from Great Believer, Big Duck, Roundtable Technologies, and Whole Whale. A grand time was had by all!

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